Hydrogen for a green future.
The development of a green hydrogen market economy as a
component sustainable energy supply is the focus of DWV.
We are the DWV
The German Hydrogen Association (DWV) e.V. has been campaigning for a sustainable hydrogen and fuel cell industry since 1996. The development of a climate-neutral hydrogen market economy as part of a sustainable energy supply is the focus of DWV. With our commitment, we contribute to efficiently achieving the climate goals – while at the same time maintaining the security of supply and Germany as an industrial location.
Hydrogen produced with renewable energies plays a decisive role in this. The association’s activities focus on implementing and optimizing the necessary market, technological and regulatory framework conditions for the hydrogen economy in the areas of plant construction, generation, transport infrastructure and application technologies.
Strong commitment in politics, business and the public
In order to ensure sustainable development under changing environmental conditions, appropriate economic and legal framework conditions are essential.
As a leading interest group, we campaign for safe, economical and emission-free mobility and energy supply.
We formulate justified industry interests in order to secure the business basis of our industry and advocate for fair competition.
Through targeted lobbying, we introduce our positions and arguments into legislative processes and maintain contact with political decision-makers.
We inform the public about the system relevance of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and applications in a sustainable energy economy through targeted activities in the media and local and international events.

Get involved and help shape the political framework conditions
Under the umbrella of the German Hydrogen Association, various expert commissions contribute to economic concepts for the establishment and implementation of hydrogen technologies in different sectors. The focus of the expert commissions is on proactive cooperation with our members, who are thus offered an excellent opportunity to position themselves within the association, but also vis-à-vis politics and society.
Our expert commissions offer exclusive sector-specific opportunities to actively participate in shaping the legal framework.
DWV currently maintains four expert commissions:

The HyMobility Expert Commission of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association is a cross-sector association of companies and organizations from industry and science. The common goal is to develop forward-looking framework conditions for emission-free and hydrogen-based mobility.

We are accelerating the transformation to a climate-neutral steel industry and are tackling the challenges of the German steel sector together. Through our activities within the HySteel cluster, we want to enable the steel industry to make a substantial contribution to achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and the European Green Deal.

Performing Energy
No energy transition without green hydrogen! The DWV expert commission performing energy is an association of companies and organizations from industry and science that jointly pursue the interest of advancing the development of wind-hydrogen systems. A rethink is necessary in order to achieve the energy policy goals with regard to base load capability from renewable energy and to ensure an economically sustainable energy turnaround.

The expert commission HyInfrastructure of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association is a cross-sectoral association of companies and organizations from industry and science. The members come from the entire hydrogen value chain, such as renewable energy production, hydrogen generation, transmission and distribution grid operators, hydrogen storage facilities, hydrogen users and manufacturers of the required technology and infrastructure. This enables us to take a holistic view and find solutions.
In addition, we contribute our expertise to the following projects:
- PoWerD
- Fuel Cell Hydrogen Observatory (FCHO)
Completed committees and projects:
- H2Global
- H2-SO – Hydrogen Technologies in the Southern Upper Rhine Region
Further expert committees and projects will follow in the future in order to generate the greatest possible benefit for our members.
For a common goal – climate neutrality!
personal members
Our members as well as member institutions and companies represent more than 1.5 million jobs nationwide; the association thus represents a significant part of the German economy.
our members
ABO Wind AG, Wiesbaden
Advyce und Perlitz GmbH
AFC Energy PLC, Cranleigh (Großbritannien)
Air Liquide Advanced Technologies GmbH, Düsseldorf
Air Products GmbH, Hattingen
Airbus Operations GmbH, Hamburg
ALSTOM Transport Deutschland GmbH, Salzgitter
Andreas Hofer Hochdrucktechnik GmbH, Mülheim/Ruhr
ANTEWA GmbH, Schwäbisch Hall
Anumar Solar GmbH, Ingolstadt
AquaVentus Förderverein e.V.
ArcelorMittal Germany Holding GmbH
ArianeGroup GmbH, Taufkirchen
Aspens GmbH, Hannover
Bauer COMP Holding GmbH, München
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, München
BAYERNOIL Raffineriegesellschaft mbH, Neustadt / Donau
BBH Consulting AG, Köln
bbw – Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg, Frankfurt (Oder)
BeBa H2 Speichersysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Hemmingstedt
Blüggel Spedition GmbH, Hamm
BOGE Kompressoren Otto Boge GmbH & Co. KG
Boreas Energietechnik GmbH, Dresden
BP Europa SE
Bundesverband Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung e.V. (B.KWK)
CEJN-Product, GmbH, Troisdorf
Cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG
CibusCell Technology GmbH, Speyer
CL CargoLifter GmbH & Co. KGaA, Berlin
Clean Logistics GmbH, Hamburg
CSC Deutschland GmbH, Dorsten
Dachser Service und Ausbildungs GmbH, Kempten
Daimler Truck AG, Leinfelden-Echterdingen
DEEP.KBB GmbH, Hannover
Deutsche Kreditbank AG, Berlin
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Stuttgart
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Mannheim
DVGW Deutsche Vereinigung des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V., Bonn
Elogen GmbH
E.ON Hydrogen GmbH
e-mobil BW GmbH, Stuttgart
Energie Konzepte Dr. Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
energiewächter GmbH
ENERTRAG SE, Dauerthal
ET Energie Technologie GmbH, Brunnthal
Europäisches Institut für Energieforschung EDF-KIT EWIV, Karlsruhe
F.Laeisz GmbH, Hamburg
Flughafen Husum GmbH & Co. KG, Husum
Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien e. V., Berlin
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich
Fortuna Familien GmbH, Berlin
Forum für Zukunftsenergien e.V., Berlin
Fortum Deutschland SE, Düsseldorf
Fraunhofer Institut für Mikrotechnik und Mikrosysteme (IMM), Mainz
Fraunhofer Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung (IFAM), Dresden
Fraunhofer Institut für solare Energiesysteme (ISE), Freiburg
Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergiesysteme (IWES), Bremerhaven
GASCADE Gastransport GmbH
GO2-markets GmbH
GP Joule Hydrogen GmbH, Reußenköge
Graf Holding GmbH, Dornbirn (Österreich)
Graforce GmbH, Berlin
Grant Thornton AG, Düsseldorf
H.T.V.G mbH
H2Berlin e.V.
H2 Energy AG, Zürich (Schweiz)
H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin
H2 Süd – die Wasserstoffinitiative Bayern und Baden-Württemberg e.V., München
Hahn-Schickard Ges. für angew. Forschung e.V., Freiburg i. Br.
Haus der Technik e.V., Essen
HDF Energy
Hexagon Purus GmbH, Kassel
HPS Home Power Solutions GmbH
H-TEC Systems GmbH, Augsburg
Hy2Gen AG, Holzgerlingen
HyCologne e.V., Hürth
Hydrogenics GmbH, Gladbeck
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH, Erlangen
Hynamics Deutschland GmbH, Berlin
HYNERGY GmbH, Grasbrunn
HYPOS e. V., Leipzig
hySOLUTIONS, Hamburg
Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, Glattpark (Schweiz)
HZwo e.V., Chemnitz
Iberdrola Energie Deutschland GmbH, Berlin
iGAS energy GmbH, Stolberg
Infraserv Höchst GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt/Main
Infotec GmbH, Bremen
Ing.-Büro Hofmann, Hamburg
ISATEC GmbH, Aachen
ITEL – Deutsches Lithium Institut GmbH, Halle
ITM Power plc, Sheffield (Großbritannien)
IVECO S.p.A., Turin (Italien)
JA-Gastechnology GmbH, Burgwedel
JET H2 Energy Germany GmbH
Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe
KMW Wind to Gas Energy GmbH & Co. KG, Brunsbüttel
Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
Lhyfe GmbH
Linde GmbH, Pullach
Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, Ottobrunn
Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Grazv (Österreich)
Martkwind 22 Invest GmbH
Max Streicher Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Offenberg
McPhy Energy Deutschland GmbH, Wildau (Brandenburg)
Mercedes-Benz AG, Kirchheim / Teck-Nabern
MHA Zentgraf GmbH & Co. KG, Merzig
Mission Hydrogen GmbH, Winnenden
motum GmbH, Hamburg
NEUMAN & ESSER GmbH & Co. KG, Übach-Palenberg
Nikola Motor Gmbh
Nowega GmbH, Münster
NPROXX Jülich GmbH, Jülich
ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, Leipzig
Orsted Wind Power Germany GmbH, Hamburg
Paul Wurth S. A., Luxemburg
Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH, Stuttgart
Plagazi AB, Bastad (Schweden)
Poppe +Potthoff GmbH, Werther
Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, Puchheim
PwC Strategy& (Deutschland) GmbH
QRC Personalberatung International GmbH, Fürth
RAISA eG, Stade
ReiCat GmbH, Gelnhausen
Reload Motors GmbH, Berlin
RES Deutschland GmbH, Vörstetten
Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart
Rolls-Royce Solutions Berlin GmbH
RTW Ingenieurgesellschaft für Haustechnik mbH, Berlin
Salzgitter AG, Salzgitter
Schrand Schweißunternehmen und Pipelinebau GmbH, Essen
Schwer Fittings GmbH, Denkingen
SEK Strategy Consulting GmbH, Berlin
SENCO Hydrogen Capital GmbH
shirokuma GmbH, Wetzikon (Schweiz)
SHS Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH & Co. KGaA, Dillingen / Saar
Siemens Energy AG, München
SL Tech2 GmbH, Kirchheim
Solardorf Kettmannshausen e.V., Wipfratal / Kettmannshausen
Storengy Deutschland GmbH, Berlin
sunfire GmbH, Dresden
Technische Akademie Esslingen e.V.,Ostfildern
TesTneT Engineering GmbH, München
Thost Projektmanagement GmbH, Berlin
Tyczka Hydrogen GmbH, Geretsried
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KGaA
Tobias Renz FAIR, Berlin
TotalEnergies Marketing Deutschland GmbH, Berlin
Toyota Motor Europa, Brüssel
Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG, Riedstadt
TÜV NORD EnSys GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
TÜV SÜD Industrieservice GmbH, München
UMICORE GmbH & Co. KG, Hanau
umweltplan projekt GmbH, Bernau
Uniper Hydrogen GmbH
Union Instruments GmbH, Karlsruhe
UST Umweltsensortechnik GmbH, Geschwenda
Vattenfall Europe AG, Berlin
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
VOSS Fluid GmbH, Wipperfürth
von Bredow Valentin Herz Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbH, Berlin
Wasserstoffgesellschaft Hamburg e.V., Hamburg
Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Initiative Hessen e.V., Wiesbaden
Weh Gas Technology GmbH, Illertissen
Wenger Engineering GmbH, Ulm
Westfalen AG, Münster
WEZ Wasserstoff-Energie-Zentrale GmbH, Tiefenbach
Williams Advanced Engineering Deutschland GmbH
Windpark Ellhöft GmbH & Co. KG, Ellhöft
WIND-projekt GmbH, Börgerende
WS Reformer GmbH, Renningen
Wystrach GmbH, Weeze
ZEAG Energie AG, Heilbronn
Zentrum für Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH, Duisburg
Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e.V., Mannheim
Through the work of our staff as well as our members, you receive important first-hand industry information and can exchange views on current political discourse and framework conditions within the hydrogen market economy. DWV offers numerous exclusive services for members and member companies, such as the informative DWV-Mitteilungen with interesting articles from the hydrogen economy and politics, our event newsletter with exclusive discount codes to events or the DWV-News, which presents the most important news from the world of hydrogen on a monthly basis.
As a member, you also have exclusive access to the results of our association’s work. Our expert commissions „HyInfrastructure“, „HyMobility“, HySteel“ and „performing energy“ give our member companies the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the legal framework.
Have we aroused your interest in membership? Then please contact us!
Through the work of our staff as well as our members, you receive important first-hand industry information and can exchange views on current political discourse and framework conditions within the hydrogen market economy. DWV offers numerous exclusive services for members and member companies, such as the informative DWV-Mitteilungen with interesting articles from the hydrogen economy and politics, our event newsletter with exclusive discount codes to events or the DWV-News, which presents the most important news from the world of hydrogen on a monthly basis.
As a member, you also have exclusive access to the results of our association’s work. Our expert commissions „HyInfrastructure“, „HyMobility“, HySteel“ and „performing energy“ give our member companies the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the legal framework.
Have we aroused your interest in membership? Then please contact us!